Chocolate Fondant


Molten chocolate cake, chocolate fondant, lava cake and petit gâteau. This chocolate treat has many names but one guaranteed result, and that's melting hearts. Make this simple, foolproof cake together with the little ones and fill this holiday with sweet memories and traditions.

Serves 12 guests


3 whole eggs
6oz dark chocolate
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup butter
3 egg yolks

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Whisk the eggs and yolks together with the sugar. Sift the flour into the egg mixture and beat together. Pour in melted chocolate and stir. Bake in ramekins for 10 minutes. Coat the fondants with powdered sugar, top with a dollop of vanilla ice cream and enjoy.

Don't forget to dust your fondant with some powdered sugar. It adds an appropriately festive touch.
Let the kids in on the fun. Bond with the little ones as you prepare the knockout dessert your guests will love.